Wednesday 5 December 2012

Monday 26 November 2012

Horror Mood Board

This mood board represents the ideas of possession/insanity and isolation associated with the horror genre. We will use this to give us inspiration for shot types and the mise-en-scene for our movie. It also provides vital themes that we can use and work with.

Monday 19 November 2012


The site that we have chosen to film our opening sequence is Stoke Park in Guildford. We chose this location as it has an island of woodland that is isolated and it will work very well when it is dark.

Logos and Titles.

These are our two ideas for  the type of font that we would like to use for our opening titles. We chose these because the white contrasts well with the black background and the text on "bingo productions presents" looks as if there is blood running from it, which creates an eerie sense.

Horror Movie Music

Leaves Under Foot Sound Effect

Man Screaming Sound Effect

Fire Sound Effect

Sound Effect of Wind Whistling.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Photos of Planning


This is a picture of our shot list that we will use whilst filming our opening sequence.                                                        

This is a photo of one of our storyboard pages.
This is a photo of Charlotte filling in the shot list.                                                                                                              
This is a picture of our first story board page.                                                                                                                               

This is a photo of us drafting our script. 

This is a photo of Charlotte creating our logo and opening titles. 

A photo of all of our storyboards.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Information
What’s the issue?
How we will avoid this issue
The tent could collapse
If we didn’t put the tent up properly it could fall down.
We will have to follow the instructions when putting up the tent.
One of us  has to climb a tree to get shot 3
We could fall from the tree or get stuck in the tree. There is also the chance that we could drop the camera.
We have to pick a safe tree to climb that has strong branches that are not too spread out. To avoid droping the camera we would just have to hold on to it tightly.
Person 2 has to fall over in shot 24/25
Whoever is playing person 2 could sustain an injury when they fall over. E.g. a twisted ankle.
We will have to pick an area of the location were there isn’t any tree roots, stones or wet mud.

Warner Brothers Prezi

Props List and costumes

Props List and Costumes


1 tent

2 torches

2 phones.


We wanted the actors in our opening sequence to wear clothing that most teenagers would wear camping. We wanted them to look like average surrey civilian teenager, so asked them to wear jeans and a t-shirt an bring a jacket as we would be working in the woods. 

Sunday 11 November 2012

Evaluating the Preliminary Task
1) Our task was to make a 20 second short film, using match on action,
shot-reverse-shot and keeping the 180 degree rule.
2) Our first shot was of a boy walking down a corridor with a teddy
bear. We then had a close up of him opening a door. We fulfilled the
task of match on action by filming him coming through the other side
of the door and matching the two shots together. Next we had a two
shot to show the other character in the film. We then used the
technique of shot-reverse-shot to show a conversation between the two
characters. Our last shot was of character one walking back down the
hallway. We tried to keep the positioning of the characters central in
the shot.
3) I was very happy with the final result as the match on action and
shot-reverse-shot worked really well together and there was no
continuity errors. Also, the 180 degree rule was kept throughout and
the camera was held steady. We could have improved the sequence by
adding a shot of character 1 walking back out of the door.  I think we
worked very well as a group as we each assigned ourselves a task and
fulfilled them.
I feel very confident using the camera and imovie and I can now add
music, crop clips, trim clips and change the speed of the piece.

Still Frame analysis

In this freeze frame we can see a silhouette of a woman holding a knife in the air, suggesting that she is about to stab someone. A knife has connotations of brutality as it is a very basic, slow and painful way to kill someone. Also you cannot see the person's face which adds mystery and fear to the scene. We can see that it is a woman from the shape of her body and the angle of her hair. The way her body language is suggests that she is mad and the way she is holding the knife implies that she is about to stab someone with great force.

Horror Timeline

The Ring Synopsis

This is the opening sequence of the ring. It is a 2002 horror movie. The film is about a journalist who is investigating the death of her niece's friend after they watched a tape. The girl is known to have watched a tape in a cabin and died exactly seven days later. The journalist then goes to the cabin herself and watches the tape. She then gets a phone call that says "SEVEN DAYS". She brings the tape home with her and finds that her son, Aidan,  has watched it. She begins to have nightmares, visions and unexplained  nosebleeds. She speaks to one of her friends, Noah, about it and he asks her to make a copy for him.   
She watches the tape repeatedly and tries to find the place where the light house in the video is. She discoverers that it is on an island and goes to visit it. There she discovers that the tape is about the life of a girl who was adopted and murdered by her mother. The daughter had a bad effect on her mother and made her see visions. Due to this, they were both sent to a mental institution. The journalist find's the woman's husband who commits suicide in the bath. The journalist finds the well from the video and finds the corpse at the bottom of it. She asks someone how long somebody could survive down  there and they tell her "SEVEN DAYS". The journalist then believes that she has set the girl's spirit free and that she is safe from the curse. 
When she returns, she finds that her son has a large bruised handprint on his arm, just like she had in her dreams and they soon discover that the curse has not been broken. They then rush to Noah's house to try and warn him. We are then taken to his flat, where his TV turns itself on and a girl begins to climb out of a well. She begins to climb through the TV screen, to Noah's horror and he is murdered. At the end of the film, we see Aidan making a copy of the tape, as this is the only way to move on the curse and continue the cycle.

Saw 2 Opening Sequence

This is the opening sequence of the horror movie Saw 2. The director uses a large range of angles and close ups to disorientate the viewer and create an unsettling mood. There is a large use of jump cuts and quick movements to create the feeling of panic and frustration.  In the still to the left, we can see a man holding a scalpel with a wound on one of his eyes. The camera is focused on the blade which connoted brutality and pain.

In the opening titles there is discordant music which creates an unsettling feel. There is a use of both diagetic and non diagetic sounds to add suspense. When the television is shown, the voice sounds very husky and almost subhuman and without emotion and this highlights the brutality of what is happening in the scene.

The opening sequence appears to be set in a basement and there are no windows to suggest that there is no way of escape. The lighting is very dark and slightly green which reflects off the machinery and makes it look threatening and dangerous. When the man first "wakes up" we see the room through his eyes and it is very blurry and out of focus to start with to suggest that he has been sedated or knocked out.

Friday 9 November 2012

nine frame anylsis

This is an analysis of the opening of the film Cape Fear.

All of the frames have been done over water and the movement of the water adds mystery and an enigma. All the shots are close up shots which add so much detail you can see the individual riples in the water. Only Four of the shots actual show something other than the titles and back ground. The bird swooping under the camera in the second shot suggests that the opening is taking place in the wild. The titles in the opening are plain white block capitals this connotes force/or power. also the fact that the bird in the second shot is a bird of prey also connotes the same thing.

The water turning red in the sixth shot signifies violence because blood has some how got into the water and again adds enigma.  The shadow of the man in the second to last shot connotes danger and the unknown because the audience isn't shown any detail just his shadow. The fact that the water has turned red suggests that the man in the previous shot has killed some one or has been killed.


We have chosen the horror genre to base our opening sequence around. We chose this genre because we all enjoy the movies of this genre and the camera shots and way that it is made is very interesting.

The Watcher Synopsis 

A group of teenagers are camping in the woods and all engaging in loud conversation. One of the girls hears a noise and mention it to the others, but it appears that she is the only one that could hear it. The others begin to laugh at her but she continues to hear it and goes to investigate. After a while, the other members of the group realise that she has been gone for a large period of time and so another one of the girls goes out to look for her. The second girl gets attacked by a figure and we see her falling to the ground. All of the teenagers die that night apart from the girl who first left the tent.  

We next get taken to the next morning with the girl being questioned about the events of the previous night and it then becomes apparent that she has no recollection of what happened. During the movie, she tries to find out what happened to her friends. As the movie develops, we see that the girl suspects the man who lives at the edge of the woods and the audience begins to believe it too. However, during the film, she continuously  has flashbacks and visions of the evening. Towards the end of the film it is revealed that it was actually the girl who killed her friends due to schitszophrenia and she is arrested and sectioned by the police. 

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Titles Anlysis

Title Font Analysis

These two titles look as if they have been written by hand. The Chopping Mall title looks as if it has written in blood and as if it is dripping. Both titles are wonky and the ring looks as if it has been written by a child. This is also supported by the bad grammar and lack of capital letters in the title. Also both titles use colours to make them stand out for the Chopping Mall ones it is the bright red and for The Ring it is the silver that makes it look as if light is shinning through the letters. Another common feature of titles is that they look they have been scratched or etched in to the background.
In conclusion for I think our titles should be in an eye catching colour such as grey or silver, uneven and separated.  I also think that it would be very effective if they were on a black background.

Convensions of the Genre

Iconic Directors of the Horror Genre

Iconic directors of the Horror Genre

Al Adamson (1929-1995)

Al Adamson made many B-grade horror films in the 1960s and 70s. The films he directed include: Dracular vs Frankenstien and Pshyco a Go Go. In 1966 he founded Independent-International Pictures. He was murdered in 1955 and his remains were found under his bath.

Roy Ward Baker ( (19 December 1916 – 5 October 2010)

Roy Baker did not start of as a directer from1934 to 1939 he worked in a film company in Islignton his first jobs were meanial such as making tea but he worked up and in 1938 he was assistant director on Alfred Hitchcock's film The Lady Vanishes. Films he has directed include: The Ocober Man and Don't Both to Knock.

Mario Caiano (born February 13, 1933)

Mario Caiano is an Italian film director and he directed 50 filmsand he wrote the script for Nightmare Castle. The films he directed include A Coffin for a Sherrif.

Brian Russell De Palma (born September 11, 1940)

Brian De Palma's career has spanned 40 years he is best known for his thriller and horror films.He studied physics before he moved in to the movie industry. He is well known for using unusual camera shots and referencing and quoting other people's work. Films he has directed include Blood Sisters and dressed to kill.

Benjamin "Bob" Clark (August 5, 1939– April 4, 2007)

Bob Clark was an actor, director, screen writer and produer. He was responsible for some of the best films in Canadian history such as Black Christmas. His career started in the horror genre in the 70s his first film was Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things. Other films he has directed include: Deathdream and The Monkey's Paw.