Wednesday 7 November 2012

Who is responsible?
Technology/format used
Teacher comments

The brief

Group dynamics – introduce yourself

Labels for each element of your blog

Preliminary task

Understanding of camera shot requirements for this component

Scripting (if relevant)


Final task

Intentions for how you are going to incorporate required preliminary elements into film opening

Evaluation on blog

Research evidence

History of… (the genre you have chosen)

Case studies of iconic directors of this genre

DVD or poster analysis

Font of titles analysis

Conventions of your genre

Collage of iconography associated with genre

Research into typical synopsis

Still frame analysis

Nine frame structure analysis of film opening (including titles) of film in your genre

Iconic sounds connected with the genre

Existing film production company research

Certificate ratings – BBFC research

Audience expectations from your film genre

YouTube documentaries/programmes which give insight into your genre

Understanding camera shots/angles/movement in general

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