Wednesday 14 November 2012

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

Health and Safety Information
What’s the issue?
How we will avoid this issue
The tent could collapse
If we didn’t put the tent up properly it could fall down.
We will have to follow the instructions when putting up the tent.
One of us  has to climb a tree to get shot 3
We could fall from the tree or get stuck in the tree. There is also the chance that we could drop the camera.
We have to pick a safe tree to climb that has strong branches that are not too spread out. To avoid droping the camera we would just have to hold on to it tightly.
Person 2 has to fall over in shot 24/25
Whoever is playing person 2 could sustain an injury when they fall over. E.g. a twisted ankle.
We will have to pick an area of the location were there isn’t any tree roots, stones or wet mud.

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