Sunday 11 November 2012

The Ring Synopsis

This is the opening sequence of the ring. It is a 2002 horror movie. The film is about a journalist who is investigating the death of her niece's friend after they watched a tape. The girl is known to have watched a tape in a cabin and died exactly seven days later. The journalist then goes to the cabin herself and watches the tape. She then gets a phone call that says "SEVEN DAYS". She brings the tape home with her and finds that her son, Aidan,  has watched it. She begins to have nightmares, visions and unexplained  nosebleeds. She speaks to one of her friends, Noah, about it and he asks her to make a copy for him.   
She watches the tape repeatedly and tries to find the place where the light house in the video is. She discoverers that it is on an island and goes to visit it. There she discovers that the tape is about the life of a girl who was adopted and murdered by her mother. The daughter had a bad effect on her mother and made her see visions. Due to this, they were both sent to a mental institution. The journalist find's the woman's husband who commits suicide in the bath. The journalist finds the well from the video and finds the corpse at the bottom of it. She asks someone how long somebody could survive down  there and they tell her "SEVEN DAYS". The journalist then believes that she has set the girl's spirit free and that she is safe from the curse. 
When she returns, she finds that her son has a large bruised handprint on his arm, just like she had in her dreams and they soon discover that the curse has not been broken. They then rush to Noah's house to try and warn him. We are then taken to his flat, where his TV turns itself on and a girl begins to climb out of a well. She begins to climb through the TV screen, to Noah's horror and he is murdered. At the end of the film, we see Aidan making a copy of the tape, as this is the only way to move on the curse and continue the cycle.

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