Sunday 11 November 2012

Saw 2 Opening Sequence

This is the opening sequence of the horror movie Saw 2. The director uses a large range of angles and close ups to disorientate the viewer and create an unsettling mood. There is a large use of jump cuts and quick movements to create the feeling of panic and frustration.  In the still to the left, we can see a man holding a scalpel with a wound on one of his eyes. The camera is focused on the blade which connoted brutality and pain.

In the opening titles there is discordant music which creates an unsettling feel. There is a use of both diagetic and non diagetic sounds to add suspense. When the television is shown, the voice sounds very husky and almost subhuman and without emotion and this highlights the brutality of what is happening in the scene.

The opening sequence appears to be set in a basement and there are no windows to suggest that there is no way of escape. The lighting is very dark and slightly green which reflects off the machinery and makes it look threatening and dangerous. When the man first "wakes up" we see the room through his eyes and it is very blurry and out of focus to start with to suggest that he has been sedated or knocked out.

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