Friday 9 November 2012

nine frame anylsis

This is an analysis of the opening of the film Cape Fear.

All of the frames have been done over water and the movement of the water adds mystery and an enigma. All the shots are close up shots which add so much detail you can see the individual riples in the water. Only Four of the shots actual show something other than the titles and back ground. The bird swooping under the camera in the second shot suggests that the opening is taking place in the wild. The titles in the opening are plain white block capitals this connotes force/or power. also the fact that the bird in the second shot is a bird of prey also connotes the same thing.

The water turning red in the sixth shot signifies violence because blood has some how got into the water and again adds enigma.  The shadow of the man in the second to last shot connotes danger and the unknown because the audience isn't shown any detail just his shadow. The fact that the water has turned red suggests that the man in the previous shot has killed some one or has been killed.

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